Saturday, March 6, 2010

...and so it begins

Anyone who knows me also knows that I usually have alot to say & ALWAYS have an opinion! Yes, I was also a "diary keeper" as a kid...wrote in "code" that was brilliant at the time (or so I thought), but years later, when I went back to read them...let's just say I had no idea what I was talking about!  So, it was only a matter of time before I started blogging! But, what to blog about? Life in Florida? Being a new Mom @ age 37? Nothing really inspired me until I watched the TNT show Men Of A Certain Age! Watching, I could picture a group of guys I knew from college~Gregg, Phil, Randy & Mark~what they were like then, what they are like now. Most of us have reconnected on some level, thanks to the wonders of Facebook! And then I began to think...25+ years ago (or 30 for my high school friends)when we were graduating and going our own ways, what would have been different had there been cell phones & internet & Facebook? Would we have stayed closer or would we still have drifted off and then "found" each other all these years later? These friends from high school & college were parts of my daily life, there for the good & the bad, but somehow we just severed those connections (some quickly, some more slowly after years of changing addresses, phone #s etc) and went off on our own, making decisions without the support and advice of those we cherished.  If someone were crazy enough to ask me to speak at a high school graduation, I would tell those graduating seniors to be thankful for today's technology and to take advantage of all the ways there are to keep in touch....for a good friend @ 18 will also be a good friend @ 28, 38, 48 and beyond (if you are lucky)! PEACE AND LOVE, MK

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